May 2008
Peter Vardy backs a new charity that aids severely underprivileged women and children across Cambodia. The Hagar Foundation provides opportunities for recovery and pursue reintegration through psychological, social and emotional support to these women and children. Peter Vardy Ltd vows to raise the capital to fund 1,000 water filters for the Hagar Foundation to supply.

The Peter Vardy workforce is committed to achieving this goal and along with the support of our customers and suppliers we will improve the opportunities of the women and children in Cambodia.

August 2008
Over £30,000 was raised for The Hagar Foundation through staff, customers and suppliers.

November 2008
PeterVardy.com Version 2.0 goes live. After two years of growth, the company is now able to offer the ultimate in customer experience on the latest version of the site. The site offers information on all the company's brands including Vauxhall, BMW & MINI as well as a wide range of used vehicles.

December 2008
13 members of staff traveled to Cambodia to see the effect of the money raised by Peter Vardy. Last year nearly £35,000 was collected through fund-raising events and donations. The money raised is helping to pay for water filters to help eradicate disease, especially among children in 1,400 families.

“I spoke to a mother-of-eight who said at least two of her children had diarrhoea every month because of filthy water. Since she’s had a water filter the problem has stopped. It’s really made a difference.” Euan, a colleague on the trip.

The money will also support the charity’s work with abused women and orphaned children.